
Into Invisible Light

Into Invisible Light would have had better compatibility on stage than how it currently plays in its cinematic scope.  As it is, the movie’s fine – decent even.  But by projecting itself to fill a larger space, Shelagh Carter’s modest dialogue-driven drama calls attention to its barebones aesthetics when really these details should be, well, invisible.

Carter (who co-write the script with star Jennifer Dale) tells a story of forgotten motivation and the personal quest it takes to rediscover inspiration.  Carter’s characters are artist-types, people who were once passionate about the fields they laboured in.  The combination of this concept with the film’s talented cast makes sure it’s somewhat relatable for the audience.  The backstories may be specific to each role, but the theme of expressing creativity through woeful stress is universal.  These conflicts in the film become more identifiable as various causes and cruxes are revealed throughout Into invisible Light, elaborating on the personal discourse in the lives we’re watching unfold.

Into Invisible Light is undoubtably soapy, which includes staggered segments that have been heavily filtered and heavily colour corrected.  But, at the same time, the movie isn’t necessarily melodramatic.  Thanks to a professional and affable production, Into Invisible Light stays grounded and finishes with endearing results that may connect more with theatre buffs than with movie goers.


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