Grace Glowicki



Tito is an immersive sensory experience that reminds me of what I love best about film as a medium: its ability to place the viewer within unfamiliar bodies, minds, and environments.



Chilly character drama Cardinals revolves around a trauma that ends in death and a prison sentencing.  And while it appears justice has been served, interest flares up when suspicions drudge up the past.


Paper Year

Fleeting moments of marital bliss is the subject of Rebecca Addelman’s Paper Year, a film that explores the tumultuous first year of marriage between two millennials living precariously in Los Angeles.  Although largely sympathetic to its central couple, Paper Year often feels like it would have more potential as a cautionary tale for young lovers trying to make it big in the entertainment industry.  Though, perhaps it is the balance between sympathy and cautionary that…


Suck It Up

Audiences were recently subjected to a tasteless dark comedy about understanding death called Considering Love & Other Magic.  Thankfully, movie goers can rebound with Suck It Up, another Canadian indie about comprehending grief that actually sticks its landing thanks to fantastic performances and Jordan Canning’s thoughtful direction.