
TV Talk


Too Hot To Handle: Season 5

The fifth season of Netflix’s guilty pleasure Too Hot To Handle maintains consistency with its contestants as seen in the previous season, having successfully rebuilt its reputation after a ham-fisted and embarrassing fourth season.  It seems as though the production behind this provocative reality show has finally figured out that the strength of the show depends on the charisma of its cast, and not on the boundaries of the game.



A television show based on the hit video game Halo feels like a long time coming.  And now that it’s finally come to fruition as a Paramount+ exclusive, audiences both familiar with the game and unfamiliar may walk away shrugging their shoulders.  The show isn’t necessarily bad (based on the first two episodes that have been made available to the press) but, just like the armour of the franchise’s leading “supersoldier”, the result is very…

TV Talk

TV TALK: All Is Well in Westeros

By: Sky Wylie HBO’s Game of Thrones has been at the top of the television game for the past 8 years.  The fanbase has been considerably loyal, the ratings have been off the charts, and the buzz has been nonstop.  With its final season now complete, spoilers run amok and the fans have spoken out about their disappointment with the series’ ending.  If you haven’t seen the concluding episodes, what are you waiting for?  Don’t…