Kusama: Infinity is an intelligible art doc. But instead of chronicling an artist’s past, it generally focuses on their psychological process.
As an unknowledgeable viewer, it would’ve been nice to learn more about Yayoi Kusama’s backstory through this efficient documentary. The information director/co-writer Heather Lenz provided is very interesting, and gives a prime scoop into the discrimination Kusama experienced as a budding artist in Japan, and when she eventually became internationally famous in New York City. However, it didn’t stop me from enjoying and appreciating Lenz’s introspective on Yayoi Kusama.
Again as an observer who didn’t know much about Kusama going into the movie, I thought Yayoi’s detailed art – mostly consisting of nets and dots – was visually compelling. I had no idea how personal the pieces were until Kusama: Infinity laid it all out. Using audible interviews with educated professionals with careers in art history and museum curating, as well as a current one-on-one with Yayoi herself, Kusama: Infinity gives insight into the inner conflicts that are deeply inscribed within the artist’s collective work.
To give the film more variety, Heather Lenz relieves the heavier topics during the second act by elaborating on Kusama’s art installations and progressive happenings by explaining more about the industry politics that were imposed on Yayoi, which includes pointed filmmaking but it’s scathing nonetheless.
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