Zoey Deutch



The filmmakers of Buffaloed believe more isn’t enough.  It’s a movie that seems to be shouting and swearing for the audience’s enjoyment but, because there’s so much of it, viewers can’t help but zone out until the actors wind back down.  A detrimental criticism considering the film’s underdog story requires our full attention.



Henry Winkler has a full resume, but he’ll always be known as The Fonz.  His son, television director Max Winkler, will surely continue having a fruitful career as a filmmaker after releasing his sophomore effort Flower, an audacious flick for which he’ll be remembered for.


Rebel in the Rye

By: Jessica Goddard The writing instructor continuously trying to put down his most gifted student in hopes of making him better and stronger.  A father who doesn’t want to indulge his son’s delusions of a career as a professional writer.  The sight of a Capital A “artist” bent over his typewriter in an otherwise empty, white room.  These are just a few of the many contrivances the viewer of Rebel in the Rye is subjected…

Does It Float?

Does It Float?: Dirty Grandpa

When Dirty Grandpa was released in January, it was panned by critics and moviegoing audiences stayed fairly quiet.  However, after Wylie Writes’ Shannon Page reported that the film was a funny party with irresistible chemistry between veteran actor Robert De Niro and heartthrob Zac Efron, I was inclined to check it out.


Vampire Academy

By: Addison Wylie Movie goers will always remember the big boom of modern vampires and their iffy lore.  Some appreciated what Twilight executed with their movement, while others wished the movement had been executed altogether. That said, I believe we can all agree that fantasies about brooding creatures of the night have had their time in the spotlight and are now starting to peter away slowly.  It was like witnessing an out-of-control party scamper off…