



Upon returning from his service in war-torn Afghanistan, US Marine Nelson Sanchez (co-writer Victor Almanzar) is reminded of his past when a wayward friend alerts him of an incoming threat.  A thug by the name of Nicky Quinn (Mike Carlsen) has been mulling over the death of his brother ever since Nelson – in desperate measures – killed him point blank.  Quinn’s buddies stake out Nelson’s hometown and all the exits are blocked – the…



Graduation is a drama held together by actor Adrian Titieni.  Even when the audience feels the minutes painstakingly tick in this very long film, Titieni finds a way to reward our patience.

Festival Coverage

Inside Out 2017: ‘Prom King, 2010’

Charlie, a queer millennial in New York, is looking for love.  His modest expectations are reasonable, yet the mission proves to be a constant bust throughout the course of Prom King, 2010.  Charlie chats with friends, family, and other acquaintances within his community (mostly for catharsis or assistance), but these conversations lead to opinions – sometimes closed-minded views – about love, Charlie’s sexual orientation, and dating etiquette.


Win It All

Life can fluctuate, and I believe that’s the point Win It All is trying to make.  Then again, filmmaker Joe Swanberg may have just set out to make a straightforward character study, in which case that works too.


Alone in Berlin

While I’m completely aware that Alone in Berlin is based on a true story, I’m afraid Vincent Perez’s big-screen adaptation is thin and tedious.  There’s not enough here for the director/co-writer to flesh out, and likewise for the talented leading cast (Brendan Gleeson, Emma Thompson, Daniel Brühl).


Tommy’s Honour

Movie goers waiting for a biopic to blow their socks off shouldn’t rely on Tommy’s Honour, a drama that seems to fulfil its non-fiction requirements procedurally.  Tommy’s Honour would be par for the course (ba-dum-tss) if it wasn’t so underwhelming.


The Wall

Set in 2007, after the official end of the Iraq war had been announced, The Wall follows two American soldiers who investigate the area where civilian workers were attacked during the construction of an oil pipeline.  The soldiers find themselves pinned behind a crumbling wall by an enemy sniper and struggling for survival.


The Dinner

On paper, Oren Moverman’s The Dinner, based on the novel by Dutch author Herman Koch, sounds similar to the 1981 chamber piece My Dinner with Andre, but with a darker twist.  The intellectual wit of Andre isn’t present here, replaced instead with elements of thriller and drama.



There is a horror renaissance going on right now that everyone should be excited about.  The genre has struggled to keep up with the horrors of the real world and has returned to top form;  with many of the best films of the last few years coming from the auteurs of screams.  One of these films, a film which made this critic’s top ten list last year, is Julia Ducournau’s Raw, which is finally getting…