


Solo Speaks: A One-On-One with Annie Clark

By: Addison Wylie After being featured at Toronto After Dark, the indie Canadian thriller named Solo is making a more public appearance with a theatrical run at Toronto’s Carlton Cinema. Carlton Cinema is a very appropriate venue seeing as the theatre and the film both share a level of independence.  Carlton Cinema is a quaint theatre that feels as if you step into another world of movie watching, and Solo’s lead is left in her own world…


Wylie Writes’ Ten Worst Movies of 2013

By: Addison Wylie As the Oscars approach this Sunday, the time is finally here to reflect on 2013 through a pair of lists – my picks of the best and the worst.  Let’s get the duds out of the way to make way for the flicks that’ll be remembered for years to come. 2013 introduced me to a new type of “bad”.  It was a sub-version spawning off of the type of hatefulness I only…


An Apocalypse at Toronto Youth Shorts’ T24

By: Addison Wylie The T24 project – a challenge in association with the Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival – asks filmmakers to create, produce, edit, and hand in a short film within 24 hours.  Teams are given a lengthy essay question about the chosen theme, and are then sent off into the city. I remember the days of attending T24 screenings and feeling excited to tell others about the great shorts that screened.  With prior…


Star Cross’d Lovers at 360 Screenings

By: Addison Wylie 360 Screenings is quickly becoming one of Toronto’s hottest ticket events for film lovers. Founders Ned Loach and Robert Gontier have built immersive experiences throwing audiences into the world of a secret movie and then revealing the mystery at an undisclosed location with a vast heritage. When you pay for a ticket, you enlist your trust into Loach and Gontier to bring the goods.  That said, they have always managed to bring…


Lancelot Link: The Ludicrous, The Lame

By: Addison Wylie I usually stick to reviewing movies or anything related to cinema.  But, every once in a while, I bend the rules pending on what gets zipped to me through my inbox.  Recently, the DVD release of the short lived television series Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp was that exception. The series lasted from September 1970 to the cusp of January 1971, and the cast was made up by chimpanzees.  It featured the title character…


CrowdFUNding: BigJackFilms’ King Kong and Fatal Pictures’ HEIR

Are you wanting to shoot your dream project, but have a restriction on your budget? Are you wanting to support independent cinema by helping filmmakers, but have no idea how to lend a hand? CrowdFUNding, a new series on Wylie Writes, is hoping to answer those questions by helping guide filmmakers and would-be financiers towards the right opportunities.  All while putting the “fun” back in crowdfunding. CrowdFUNding will highlight online campaigns looking for financial backing.  Some filmmakers…


WordPress’ Wylie Writes Rundown ’13

The stats are in for 2013! Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 19,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 7 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. Click here to see the complete report. Thanks so much to my readers and vlog watchers for all the support. Here’s to…


TIFF 2013 ENCORE: A One-On-One With Music Composer Taylor Stewart

The Newton Brothers have ears for music and a drive like no other.  Not only has the duo – who is made up by Andy Grush (right) and Taylor Stewart (left) – dabbled in many different genres, but the pair have taken on a hefty load producing musical scores for seven films in eight months. Grush and Stewart attended TIFF earlier this month to support three films they were apart of.  Oculus directed by Mike…


On The Film Army Front: August ’13 Edition

Well, now that TIFF has come to an end, let’s take a trip back to August. If you can believe it, August was busier than my experience with the Toronto International Film Festival.  At Film Army, I was checking out different programmes hosted by Toronto’s TIFF Bell Lightbox, watching smaller independent fare, as well as getting ready for TIFF while setting up IFFFT coverage – the International Fetish Film Festival Toronto. It’s great to cover…


Does It Float?: To The Wonder

Movie theatres can make all the difference when it comes to the movie. Some people have sadly given up on the actual moviegoing experience and hopped on over to home streaming VOD devices.  It’s a bittersweet feeling realizing that you can’t blame these people for doing so.  Home theatre equipment is much more accessible nowadays; and, plenty of movies are available during – or before – their theatrical release.  At home, you don’t have annoying…