


On The Film Army Front: July ’13 Edition

Everyone has a list of things they want to do. These things aren’t towering milestones that are waiting to be crossed off a bucket list, but their big enough to constantly hang out in your head and remind you that you’ve been wanting to accomplish whatever you wanted to do. It seems I usually have a list like this for every month, but July seemed to be that month where I finally was able to…


On The Film Army Front: June ’13 Edition

For those who may be unaware, I also write on a more Canadian-savvy site called Film Army. At Film Army, contributors wish to bring filmmakers – ranging from students to up-and-comers to tenured artists – together and provide resources, news, and other relevant information in order to keep these dedicated readers in the loop regarding the film and television industry. Contributors have some sort of tv/film experience under our belts. Some have been working behind-the-scenes…


A Future Family’s perfection

When I’m a Dad and I’m teaching my son or daughter about life, I’m going to introduce them to so many cool things about the all sorts of different movies. Just the other day, I saw something that really struck me as something cool I would like my young one to experience. The Blair Witch Project on VHS.