
Trevor Jeffery


Robin and Mark and Richard III

There should be something in Robin and Mark and Richard III for nearly every CanCon-loving Canadian;  be it directors Martha Burns and Susan Coyne, Mark McKinney of Kids in the Hall fame, or the slew of Canadian theatre royalty – not even including the subject, theatre legend Robin Phillips.


Seve the Movie

In case you don’t have the chance to catch Seve the Movie, here’s a rundown: characters interact with golfer Seve Ballesteros over both banal and important matters.  Seve responds by expressing how much he loves golf, intercut with archive footage from pro golf tours he’ll later play in.


The Little Prince

A little girl (Mackenzie Foy) is strictly structured by her all-business, all the time mom (Rachel McAdams).  It’s summer time, and instead of playing she is to spend her days studying so she can impress her authorities at her oveestigious academy school, so she can get into a prestigious high school, so she can get into a prestigious university, so she can spend her adult life working hard and forcing her children to do the…

Movie Lists

The Worst Movies of 2015

Addison Wylie 2015 cranked out a lot of great movies.  I was actually able to form a “best of” list before even thinking of those cinematic duds.  However, that doesn’t excuse the following films.  These frustrating films put my patience to the test, even so far as to push me out of the movie altogether.  Don’t worry though, I returned to finish that defeating film.  And, yes, it was the worst film I saw all year.


A Brilliant Young Mind

Young Nathan (Asa Butterfield) has issues interacting with people.  Diagnosed as on the autistic spectrum (with a little bit of synesthesia), Nathan much prefers patterns and numbers – making him a wiz at mathematics.  He shared a special connection with his father, but after dad perished in a vehicular collision, Nathan withdrew even further, and burrowed deeper into mathematics.  His mother (Sally Hawkins), unable to connect with her son, signed him up for personal advanced…

Festival Coverage

ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival ’16

This weekend, the ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival hits theatres in the city’s downtown core – you won’t want to miss it.  The selected documentaries hold their own importance against each other, and show how hopeful futures are still within reach against global issues.  The selections are raw, but the filmmakers are and determined to be heard.

Movie Lists

The Best Movies of 2015

Addison Wylie 2015 was a great year for movies, and I hope returning readers will see those results on the lists below.  However, I understand if my favourites at the tip of the iceberg aren’t surprising – they haven’t changed since the mid-year report.  A couple of excellent documentaries, and an army of dogs set the bar astronomically high.  On another note, I hope people will consider checking out the films that flesh out the…