


A Thousand Words

By: Addison Wylie A Thousand Words is a film made for no one; especially if you’re a person who talks back to the screen. If you aren’t one of those loud patrons yet, A Thousand Words may very well convert you. It did for me. Eddie Murphy’s latest vehicle has his character Jack McCall having a tight leash on his vocabulary. After a mysterious tree grows in McCall’s backyard, he learns that with each word…



By: Addison Wylie The crew members aboard the spacecraft Prometheus are looking for answers. Seeking explanations is a recurring theme throughout Ridley Scott’s sci-fi thriller. What the film challenges movie goers with is the idea that maybe not everything is meant to be solved. Maybe some quires are better left untouched.It isn’t a full-fledged crowd pleasing message. Movie goers may even be turned off from the film altogether because of its pro-bewilderment attitude. But, those who don’t…


Men in Black III

By: Addison Wylie Barry Sonnenfeld’s third instalment to the popular and bizarre Men in Black series is a perfect way to cut the ribbon on the summer movie season. It also helps that this exciting slice of entertainment is a solid chapter for these characters. After a decade of fighting the intergalactic scum of the Earth, Agent J (played by Will Smith) and Agent K (played by Tommy Lee Jones) reach a crossroad in their…



By: Addison Wylie Jason Statham’s latest action vehicle is just that – safe. It’s an underwhelming, by-the-numbers romp that plays action cliché after action cliché as if it was reading off a grocery list. However, writer/director Boaz Yakin can’t even come through on those common denominators. Safe wouldn’t even work as a guilty pleasure on DVD. It’s an awkward and annoying flub of a film for many reasons but mostly because it feels like we’re…


What Is It?

By: Addison Wylie *NOTE: The review for Crispin Glover’s What Is It won’t be like the average review you’ve seen on this site. However, given that the subject and the subject’s film at hand aren’t like anyone or anything else, it feels appropriate to be writing this way. Anyways, carry on.* Crispin Glover established himself as an actor with his early work in Back to the Future and River’s Edge. Lately, audiences have seen Glover…


The Cabin in the Woods

By: Addison Wylie Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard.  Two respected names and two crazily creative people currently in the film industry. I like these guys so much, but as I try to figure out a way to properly review The Cabin in the Woods (a movie they both wrote), the imaginative team is bugging me and sitting back with crossed arms as they watch critics walk a thin tightrope. These two have written a script…


Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

By: Addison Wylie My name is Addison and I speak for movies. And, I come bearing a review. For you, from me. It’s a film about nature and how to cherish it. It’s an important message in a film that’s in the pits. We follow a young boy. A young boy named Ted. Voiced by Zac Efron, should’ve been someone younger instead. Efron is energetic and charismatic to boot. But, he sounds too mature for…


One Life

By: Addison Wylie One Life feels like it should be apart of the DisneyNature collection. It’s similar to Earth because the film is showcasing different animal and insect families, it’s similar to Oceans because of the rapid fire pacing of each family’s story, and it’s similar to last year’s African Cats because of how the script threads in little tales. However, it’s not until we see an attack scene where an ostrich is brutally taken…


Silent House

By: Addison Wylie Silent House is the latest Horror movie helmed by Chris Kentis and the first directorial effort from screenwriter Laura Lau, who has previously worked with Kentis on two prior films. One of those collaborations was the shoestring budget creep-fest Open Water; a film that divided audiences drastically but left everyone wondering what they would do if they were isolated in shark infested waters. Silent House‘s reception, I imagine, is going to take a similar…


Jeff, Who Lives at Home

By: Addison Wylie The latest indie from Jay and Mark Duplass is a film that is very much like it’s main character Jeff, played by Jason Segel. However, that’s not a compliment towards the filmmakers. But, on second thought, with his performance being able to hijack a film, Segel might take this as praise. He comfortably disappears within the character of Jeff and makes the new age stoner believable. However, Jeff’s mentality works well as…