


American Hustle

By: Addison Wylie American Hustle is like watching a group of distinguished hard boiled card players play poker when you’re only learning the ropes.  None of them will break their deadpan expression or expose their hand.  Suddenly, someone will make a game changing move and raise the stakes.  Someone to your left leans over and – with pure exuberance – tells you how important the move was.  Meanwhile, you nod with acknowledgment and when they’re…


WIN a DVD of Jacob Vaughan’s ‘Bad Milo’

One of my favourite surprises of last year was finding out how Jacob Vaughan’s creature feature Bad Milo played with a packed crowd.  The scene was set at Toronto’s Scotiabank Theatre during one of Toronto After Dark’s pre-screenings to hype up the upcoming and highly popular genre showcase. The pre-screening audience award ended up going to Matt Johnson’s innovative indie The Dirties, but hanging in as a close runner up was Bad Milo.  It proved…


Stranger by the Lake

By: Addison Wylie The realism in Stranger by the Lake (or, L’Inconnu du lac) is what initially draws audiences in.  It’s paced deliberately slow to match life’s sunny tranquilities, and the cruising men who attend this private beach looking for a getaway and the occasional hook up come across as real people. Stranger by the Lake is uneventful for the most part, but its serenely baked atmosphere is musing.  Once a dangerous dramatic turn comes into play, that…


The Spectacular Now

By: Addison Wylie The Spectacular Now is the movie about high school I wish I had growing up.  It’s easily identifiable and relatable to anyone who felt growing pains or knew someone having a wobbly time through secondary education. James Ponsoldt’s coming-of-age dramedy features two exceptional performances from up-and-comers Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley, who play unexpected friends who eventually become smitten with each other.  Though, Teller’s motormouth Sutter Keely won’t directly admit it since…


WordPress’ Wylie Writes Rundown ’13

The stats are in for 2013! Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 19,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 7 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. Click here to see the complete report. Thanks so much to my readers and vlog watchers for all the support. Here’s to…


The Visitor

By: Addison Wylie Drafthouse Films has taken Giulio Paradisi’s director’s cut to his very strange 1979 sci-fi flick The Visitor and are unleashing it to the public in a newly remastered mode. There are a lot of uncanny compositions of malificent behaviour that especially punch out.  These set a tone incredibly fast and have the power to make you immediately feel at unease.  Confusion runs rampant throughout The Visitor, and for the most part, it’s…



By: Addison Wylie Disney has shown again and again that they rise to the occasion with fairy tales.  Their fantasies featuring sparkling animation and lively characters always bring out the bliss in audiences and the bacon at the box office. Frozen is no different.  It’s charmed movie goers far and wide with its strong female personalities and fetching tunes.  Frozen also serves as being one of the only current family films that has stabilized sturdy…


Does It Float?: JOBS

By: Addison Wylie Upon watching JOBS for the first time, I had a hunch that it wasn’t going to be received with a wide round of applause.  The film about the life and times of Apple’s Steve Jobs didn’t sugarcoat its subject, but the overall product took the form of a typical biopic. I believe movie goers were still riding off the hot licks of the award winning David Fincher film The Social Network.  I…


The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology

By: Addison Wylie The conceptual idea of a philosopher (in this case, Slavoj Žižek) walking audiences through beloved and forgotten films and giving their outlook on the film’s ideological take has potential.  The documentary, however, has to have competent direction and a confident mind at the forefront in order for the project to work.  The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology has neither. Sophie Fiennes’ doc is hitting home runs with most movie goers (it currently holds an…


The Internship

By: Addison Wylie I went into The Internship having a hard time looking past its one note joke premise involving two out of place funny men working at Google.  But, it was the comedy’s first couple of scenes that made me question if I was going to be eating crow by the end credits.  Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson playing Billy and Nick – a couple of out-of-touch, amusingly snide and bitter watch salesmen –…