

Wild Rose

By: Jolie Featherstone “Three chords and the truth” – Harlan Howard’s oft-quoted definition of country music may well describe the soul of Wild Rose.  Directed by Tom Harper and written by Nicole Taylor, Wild Rose is a classic underdog tale with an endlessly watchable underdog in the form of the fiery Rose-Lynn Harlan.



By: Jolie Featherstone When a film stars the likes of Diane Keaton, Pam Grier, Jackie Weaver, and Rhea Perlman as ladies who form their own cheerleading squad, the only correct response is to grab a pair of pom-poms and cheer.  A heartfelt comedy with elements of Book Club and A League Of Their Own, Poms brings the fun and feels to a story about the importance of reigniting your spirit.


Long Shot

By: Jessica Goddard Could a beautiful, successful, Type A presidential hopeful like Charlize Theron’s Charlotte fall in love with a slovenly, jobless, political cynic like Seth Rogen’s Fred?  Long Shot is wholly predictable in both its conclusion to this question, and in how it gets us there.  From the standard drug-fuelled escapade we’ve come to anticipate once per Seth Rogen film, to the “maybe if one day he shows up in nicer clothes she’ll start…


Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It

By: Addison Wylie It must be nice for director Mike Clattenburg to know the Trailer Park Boys fan base he’s co-created isn’t going anywhere.  That must be why his latest criminal adventure with Sunnyvale’s best isn’t afraid to experiment with a beginning of downbeats. Clattenburg – who knows how to maneuver through ridiculous circumstances with these hilariously seedy characters using DIY filmmaking – oddly sets the bar low with the likability factor this time.  He…



By: Addison Wylie Afflicted isn’t a found footage film, but rather a mockumentary documenting Derek Lee and Clif Prowse’s year long trip around the world.  The film does, however, use the same techniques we’ve seen in previous found footage horrors.  Luckily, the filmmakers in charge of this creature feature know what they’re doing. In fact, there are a lot of things filmmakers/co-stars Lee and Prowse do brilliantly in Afflicted.  Firstly, the duo cover their asses extremely…