

Festival Coverage

Hot Docs 2016: ‘A Dog’s Life’ and ‘Hotel Dallas’

A Dog’s Life (DIR. Hélène Choquette) By: Shahbaz Khayambashi Research has shown time and time again that pets are beneficial to homeless individuals, as they provide love, support and companionship to a marginalized, frequently ignored population.  A Dog’s Life is a study of the benefits and hardships that come along with being homeless with a dog, discovered through interviews with several people in this particular situation.  What follows are anecdotes about a variety of topics…



I have liked pop art for as long as I can remember, but I really fell in love with the movement after seeing a large retrospective of pop art from around the world at the Tate Modern last year.  There are so many ways to use this movement for revolutionary purposes, through the reappropriation of established cultural artifacts and ideologies.  But, as certain artists have proven, it is also exceedingly simple to not use it…

Festival Coverage

Hot Docs 2016: ‘Credit for Murder’ and ‘Tickled’

Credit for Murder (DIR. Vladi Antonevicz) By: Shahbaz Khayambashi A video appears on YouTube which depicts the ritualistic slaughter of two men by masked individuals: one man is beheaded and the other is shot.  The video appears to come from Russia.  The Russian authorities say it is fake, until one man is identified after his father comes forward.  This is the beginning of an unusual and captivating story about Russian neo-Nazis, recounted by a Jewish filmmaker…

Festival Coverage

TIFF Kids ’16: CodeGirl

The Technovation Challenge features teams of young women who have acquired resources and the proper pre-production to invent a mobile app.  If accepted in the competition, their team’s ideas must pass through multiple rounds until a winning collaborative is awarded first place along with $10,000 to finalize their project.


Life Off Grid

Jonathan Taggart’s bare-bones documentary about people disconnected from electric or natural gas infrastructure has a loose, unpolished feel.  It’s a fitting accompaniment to an exploration of people who live in a way that many of us would find bafflingly inconvenient.


My Beautiful Broken Brain

After a night of friends and leisure, Lotje Sodderland suffered an unrelated stroke;  resulting in her short-term memory and various reactionary impulses being wiped away.  She chronicles her progress on her iPhone, as well as her sadness, her epiphanies, and candid vlog entires.