
Brett Haley


Hearts Beat Loud

There seems to be a new trend where every Summer, audiences receive a musically-savvy indie.  Two years ago, movie goers relished in Sing Street, followed by Patti Cake$ the year after.  This season, move goers will be put under a spell by Hearts Beat Loud, an effortlessly charming and heartwarming dramedy from writer/director Brett Haley (The Hero).


The Hero

By: Jessica Goddard The Hero is a fine movie, but nothing particularly groundbreaking.  Sam Elliott stars as the lonely, burnt-out actor Lee Hayden, who deals with his pancreatic cancer diagnosis by avoiding it completely.  He spends his days smoking pot with his dealer (Nick Offerman) and standing at the ocean shoreline, brooding.  His relationship with his daughter (Krysten Ritter) is awful because he was “always away”, and his life is completely devoid of romantic love…