
Salma Hayek


House of Gucci

By: Jolie Featherstone Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci brings glitz, glam, star power, and seduction to the big screen.  Decadent and grandiose, House of Gucci is chock-full of big hair, big glasses, and even bigger scandals set in the high fashion world of excess in the 1980s and 1990s.


The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

In the same spirit as the Austin Powers sequels, The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard is almost an exact replica of its crowd-pleasing predecessor that repeats similar jokes and plays on a heightened version of the dynamic that made the first film so memorable.  And while a sequel can usually be grilled on repeating itself, this second round is strictly here for entertainment value;  knowing exactly what it wants to set out to do and still delivering…


The Roads Not Taken

Sometimes, a filmmaker will come up with a unique, unprecedented concept and turn it into a one-of-a-kind feature.  More often than not, however, the concept confounds the creative;  leading to a muddled mess that disappoints the viewer even more than the average bad effort.  Case in point: The Roads Not Taken.  It’s the latest film from once-celebrated English filmmaker Sally Potter, a woman who once managed to turn the perplexing Orlando into a film, which…


Drunk Parents

Fred Wolf and Peter Gaulke have a calling for slacker comedy, though their sense of humour hasn’t been well-received.  They collaborated on Happy Madison’s Strange Wilderness, and while that film is pitiful, it’s also exactly what it set out to be – a scrappy stoner comedy conceived by a crew of people who must’ve been on heavy hallucinogens during the making-of.  In that sense, it finds success as a guilty pleasure that willingly goes in some weird…


Sausage Party

Sausage Party is a shock comedy that’s heavy on “shock” and light on “comedy”.  The film is supposed to subvert clean-cut animated films with inappropriate dialogue and black humour, but ends up becoming a crass and awkward in-joke between the comic cast.


How to Make Love Like an Englishman

By: Addison Wylie How to Make Love Like an Englishman is such a long title.  A shorter alternative would be: Weekend Matinée for Mom and Dad. Like last year’s cloying And So It Goes, Tom Vaughan’s rom-com is a film that uses the likability of its stars as counter programming to attract movie goers – primarily older ones who want to spend the tail end of Summer distancing themselves from bombastic blockbusters.  Luckily, How to Make…