



Earlier this year, audiences witnessed Bruce Willis being a lazy actor in Precious Cargo – he talked on a cell phone and barely moved out of his seat.  In Marauders, the action star is at least doing more with his role (hey, walking counts), but the film itself receives the same faint praise I halfheartedly awarded Precious Cargo in April.



Considering the schlock Sir Anthony Hopkins currently agrees to star in (Kidnapping Mr. Heineken, Misconduct) assumably to fill voids between bigger projects (RED 2, Marvel’s Thor franchise), Blackway is at least the kind of schlock that is entertaining.


Mr. Right

It’s usually a treat when a film holds a mirror up to itself and cackles.  In this case, Mr. Right flies out of the gates with flippancy towards action films, buddy comedies, and farfetched rom-coms.



TimeLock is a finicky flick that waffles an awful lot, much like its wishy-washy main character Mark (John C. Gilmour).  Fortunately, David Griffith’s micro budget thriller is easy to endear.


Precious Cargo

Precious Cargo, a cheesy caper directed/co-written by Max Adams, is simultaneously occupying theatres and on Demand.  It was also released a day after my birthday, which is fitting since it made me feel my age.

Festival Coverage

Hot Docs 2016: ‘Bobby Sands: 66 Days’ and ‘Off the Rails’

Bobby Sands: 66 Days (DIR. Brendan Byrne) By: Shannon Page Bobby Sands, a member of the Irish Republican Army, was only twenty-seven years old when he died in prison in 1981 after refusing food for 66 days.  Sands was the first of ten IRA prisoners to die as the result of a hunger strike in protest of their status as regular criminals, as opposed to political prisoners.

Festival Coverage

Hot Docs 2016: ‘Credit for Murder’ and ‘Tickled’

Credit for Murder (DIR. Vladi Antonevicz) By: Shahbaz Khayambashi A video appears on YouTube which depicts the ritualistic slaughter of two men by masked individuals: one man is beheaded and the other is shot.  The video appears to come from Russia.  The Russian authorities say it is fake, until one man is identified after his father comes forward.  This is the beginning of an unusual and captivating story about Russian neo-Nazis, recounted by a Jewish filmmaker…