


American Animals

Playing like a more intellectual and more comprehensible Pain & Gain, Bart Layton’s American Animals is a clever adaptation of a true crime involving young unconventional thieves who fear their lives are aimless.  They decide to be proactive by organizing a score that would later be known as one of the most audacious heists in U.S history.



I can’t tell you much about Terminal because a.) talking about its multiple twists would allude to the degree of deception that is continuously at work in the film and b.) the movie is often so incomprehensible, you can’t make heads or tails of it.


Hotel Artemis

By: Trevor Chartrand It’s refreshing to see original scripts can still make their way to the big screen!  Between the endless tirade of superhero movies, novel adaptations, sequels, remakes, and reboots, it’s rare to see something that’s actually fresh.  Films aren’t often greenlit without a built-in fanbase – and even when they are, they rarely rise above mediocrity.  Thankfully, this isn’t the case with Drew Pearce’s Hotel Artemis.  The film isn’t going to revolutionize cinema…


The Polka King

Fans of Nacho Libre may be the ones enjoying The Polka King more than other Netflix viewers.  After all, it’s a crooked “Robin Hood” story starring Jack Black as an eccentric entertainer.  The Polka King, however, is a biopic.



Suicide Squad director David Ayer reunites with Will Smith to bring at-home audiences Bright, a Netflix Original action movie that blends “cop drama” and “buddy comedy” but exists in a fantasy amongst the mystical company of fairies and orcs.


Stegman Is Dead

Stegman Is Dead is the latest addition to the string of Quentin Tarantno copycats.  Smooth anti-heroes and bumbling crooks come together in a quirky crime story played for laughs and gags.  However, this debut feature film from TV director David Hyde edges out its sub-genre competition;  mostly due to the chemistry of the film’s ensemble.


The Neighborhood

At the moment, there isn’t a more indulgent director than Frank D’Angelo.  The Canadian entrapreneur/musician has made a film career out of mob movies featuring (and recycling) loaded casts, essentially, playing cops n’ robbers.  The material is more than criminals and anti-heroes pointing guns and using twelve-letter words to berate each other, but some have argued otherwise.  The Neighborhood, unfortunately, gives the haters ammunition.