


Tru Love

By: Addison Wylie As much as technology has progressed and storytelling has creatively evolved, the film industry still remains on a playing field where movie goers – all too easily – can look at a project and label it as something that’s either for males or for females.  Of course, there are exceptions, but this sort of divvying haplessly exists. Moviemaking thankfully advances as films open themselves for its audience to overlap.  When I sat…


Corner Gas: The Movie

By: Addison Wylie Corner Gas: The Movie is a prime candidate for a review that requires me to cop out.  The bottom line: if you liked Corner Gas during its humbling five year run on television and have since enjoyed reruns in syndication, then you’ll enjoy its big screen debut.  But, let’s see if I can elaborate. The original cast of Canada’s beloved Corner Gas have reunited for an encore, which includes Saskatchewan funny man…



By: Addison Wylie Heartbeat is a nice party guest that’s too shy to say anything.  After a while, you’re a little annoyed that they haven’t involved themselves more.  And when they finally speak up, they fish for compliments in a coy manner but also try and convince you that they have low self esteem.  By the end of the night, cleaning up crushed red cups and mopping up spilled brew is more fun than trying…

Festival Coverage

Blood in the Snow ’14: Serpent’s Lullaby & Berkshire County

As movie goers prepare for the season’s holiday offerings, horror fans buckle up for a round of Canadian talent at this year’s Blood in the Snow Film Festival. The festival, founded by Kelly Michael Stewart, features the cream of the genre crop.  Blood in the Snow’s selections range from unsettling slow burns to the visually grotesque.  It’s a competently passionate showcase that gives indie filmmakers a fantastic opportunity to premiere their work, and hands audiences a rare…


The Secret Trial 5

By: Addison Wylie The September 11th attacks struck fear into our society, providing a sensitive feeling of having our nerves wracked and having a newfound definition to defensiveness.  But, sometimes precautions towards the “war on terror” are taken too far and end up doing additional harm to innocent people. Five Muslim men were selected and arrested for having links to terrorism with some of those individuals having a loose relationship to Osama Bin Laden.  At…


Citizen Marc

By: Addison Wylie We’re only a few minutes into Citizen Marc, and the audience is already aware of how polarizing pot activist Marc Emery can be. Emery’s button-pushing tactics to challenge the Canadian government can be seen as either courageous or just plain obnoxious.  His outspokenness may be a little of column A and B, but documentarian Roger Evan Larry uses this film to portray Emery as real as possible.  That image being a passionate,…



By: Addison Wylie Bea and Paul are that cute couple you wish to never go out to dinner with.  They’re not terrible people or arrogant, they’re just overwhelmingly in love.  They’re those newlyweds who have cute nicknames for each other and always have an enamoured smile plastered on.  On the car ride home, you’re significant other would turn to you and say, “They were nice. We should be more like them.” Maybe that’s why I…


Swearnet: The Movie

By: Addison Wylie Swearnet: The Movie follows three chowderheads trying to figure out where they  fit in after their long time claim to fame.  The three douchebags: Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay, and Mike Smith.  Those fucking tools that we’ve seen bumble around on television and star in this year’s jag-off road comedy Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It. They can’t be associated with anything that has to do with that fucking landmark in Canadian…


Hard Drive

By: Addison Wylie The word “incompetent” is usually associated with low intelligence.  In the case of Hard Drive, I think the melodrama is outrageously incompetent, but I don’t think its writer/director William D. MacGillivray is stupid. MacGillivray’s achievements were attached to the press notes, and there’s enough proof in the pudding to make me believe he ain’t no dummy.  The filmmaker has been attached to projects that have earned him acclaim, Canadian credibility, and a…


The Market

By: Addison Wylie The Market offers a rare look at an issue through generic eyes.  Filmmaker Rama Rau shouldn’t worry though.  I’m still recommending her transfixing film about kidney trafficking and the butterfly effect these risky surgeries cause. Rau’s doc handles two different perspectives: life in an Indian slum, and the apprehensive idling of someone awaiting a kidney transplant in Canada. Both views are packed with a lot of emotion as well as unforgettable talks…