


To Leslie

The silly controversy following actor Andrea Riseborough and the grassroots campaigning that garnered her a Best Actress Oscar nomination for her role in To Leslie is, unfortunately, distracting attention away from how terrific the performance is and how good the film itself is as well.


Cocaine Bear

By: Jeff Ching Walking into Cocaine Bear, I was expecting the movie to be the latest inductee to the “so bad, it’s good” list. Something along the lines of Snakes on a Plane or the Sharknado franchise: movies that are not good, but fun to laugh at.  Cocaine Bear, however, is not “so bad, it’s good” – it’s “so good, it’s umm….…the best movie of 2023 so far”. Look, it’s only late February, and I don’t expect…


Infinity Pool Uncut

In a plot that would make any vacationer anxious, and in the “not too distant future”, novelist James Foster (Alexander Skarsgård) and his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman) are suckered into a crime that develops into an additional crime during a getaway at a luxurious resort.  James, who becomes the most guilty, is given the choice to opt out of his execution if he pays a lump sum of cash for a clone to be made…


Cat Daddies

By: Trevor Chartrand Cat Daddies is a documentary about, you guessed it, men who own cats.  As someone with a career in the pet industry, and as a ‘Cat Daddy’ myself, I could safely assume I’m the target audience for Hye Hoang’s movie.  While I had high hopes for Cat Daddies to spin some riveting “tails” (eh? eh?!), this doc, unfortunately, is barely fur-deep.



By: Jolie Featherstone Marlowe, Neil Jordan’s adaptation of John Banville’s (a.k.a. Benjamin Black) novel The Black-Eyed Blonde, brings Philip Marlowe (a character created by novelist Raymond Chandler) to life in a sunny noir set in a luscious, pre-WWII Californian town where everyone is trying to climb the ladder of success – no matter the cost.


The Outwaters

“Found footage” horrors often receive a bad rap because it’s presumed that they’re “easy” movies to make: scrounge together a couple thousand dollars, a consumer video camera, some amateur actors, and a loose lore around something eerie that can guarantee jump scares.  Yes, the “found footage” sub-genre is one of the more resourceful outlets for DIY filmmakers, but there’s an art to it.  They may not trick audiences anymore into thinking the stories are non-fictitious…


Stars Fell Again

In Stars Fell Again, the extra-cheesy follow-up to 2021’s decidedly unfunny Stars Fell on Alabama from returning director V.W. Scheich, suffers from many of the same flaws as its predecessor — weak characterization, poor pacing, and a lead couple that’s about as interesting as a stack of wet cardboard.


Erin’s Guide to Kissing Girls

I wish I had a movie like Erin’s Guide to Kissing Girls as a kid in elementary school.  Aside from its terrific LGBTQ-friendly presence, it sports such self-confidence and reassurance in its characters;  all wholesomely written and directed by Julianna Notten making her feature-length debut as a filmmaker.  Making as big of a splash is Elliot Stocking, who plays the titular Erin.  Stocking, in a breakout acting debut, hits a sweet spot with their co-stars…