


Breaking News in Yuba County

Breaking News in Yuba County is a strange crime-comedy that’s both overdeveloped and undercooked. The movie has a stacked cast of comedic character actors and, it’s true, the audience can’t help but enjoy watching these actors in motion. However, since the story builds off of a deceitful faux pas in such convoluted ways, movie goers also can’t help but grow exhausted and impatient.


Sugar Daddy

By: Trevor Chartrand Director Wendy Morgan has made an interesting and thought-provoking film with her drama Sugar Daddy.  The movie features the story of Darren, an aspiring musician who joins a paid dating service to make ends meet until her music career takes off.  While acting as arm candy for wealthy older guys at high society functions is by no means prostitution, Darren struggles with her own self-worth and the moral implications of selling herself…


Know Fear

Like many horror films, Know Fear begins with a house – a house with a dark past.  Shortly after Wendy (Amy Carlson) and Donald (David Alan Basche) move into the house, Wendy begins experiencing strange sensations that overwhelm her.  The family learns that Wendy has been possessed by a demon, and the only way to save her is to use a book to enact a ritual that will allow different members of the family to…


Donny’s Bar Mitzvah

By: Trevor Chartrand Irreverent, crude, absurd and insane, Donny’s Bar Mitzvah is a bizarrely entertaining comedy that somehow manages to function coherently – while at the same time doing everything wrong.  The film is certainly funny, bordering on hilarious, but incredibly immature.  Keep the kids out of the room for this one, folks.


Bad Trip

Your enjoyment of Netflix’s hidden camera comedy Bad Trip hinges on whether you find Eric André’s comedy entertaining;  such is the usual case for shock comics.  Eric André’s boundary-stepping awkwardness has the ability to push his “marks” to their extremes, and then he goes a little further.  It’s a fearless quality that Bad Trip takes full advantage of to tell a story about a passionate quest to pursue love, and the man (Chris Carey played…


Jump, Darling

At a time when drag has made its way into mainstream media (thanks, in no small part, to the Emmy winning reality television show Ru Paul’s Drag Race), Jump, Darling stands as a much-needed antidote to the commodification of an art form that was created by and for queer and trans people.  It isn’t a bad thing that straight folks these days know what a death drop is, but at times it does feel as…