

Festival Coverage

Wylie Writes at Toronto After Dark ’14: Wolves

By: Addison Wylie It’s funny to see Entertainment One attached to Wolves.  It almost acts as an apology to werewolf fanatics who may have been bothered by the studio’s Twilight series. Even though Wolves wipes our memories of Taylor Lautner and his chiseled abs sprinting through the woods, David Hayter’s toothy flick isn’t anything too special.  It’s a serviceable film with pop-up gems. Cayden is at that usual stage a young man hits in his…

Festival Coverage

Wylie Writes at Toronto After Dark ’14: Suburban Gothic

By: Addison Wylie Suburban Gothic is…weird.  And, not that good kind of “weird” that Toronto After Dark joyfully uncovers through obscure titles.  It’s a movie that makes you ask questions.  Questions like: What is Suburban Gothic?  Better yet, what genre is Suburban Gothic?  Is it a comedy?  Is it a horror?  Better yet, is it a horror/comedy?  If so, how can it be a comedy when it’s this stupefyingly unfunny?  How can it be a…