
Shahbaz Khayambashi


The Lovers and the Despot

In 1978, South Korean actor Choi Eun-hee went missing.  Her ex-husband, director Shin Sang-ok, made it his mission to find her when he too went missing.  Their whereabouts remained elusive for some time, but the answer that eventually came out was stranger than any potential explanation: the two South Korean celebrities had been kidnapped by none other than North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il with the purpose of having them direct films for the people of…

Festival Coverage

TIFF 2016: ‘Paterson’

Paterson is a study of ennui in its purest form.  Paterson is a love letter to the seemingly inconsequential town of Paterson, New Jersey.  Paterson is about Zen and the creation of art.  The fact that all of this is contained in a film about the quotidian activities of a man’s life across one week is nothing short of a miracle.



In their essay “Cinema-Ideology-Criticism”, Jean-Luc Comolli and Jean Paul Narboni speak of a category of cinema which is politically progressive in content, but whose politics can be discounted due to the generic and status quo supporting form.  This category is exemplified in Nerve, a film which, just like your friend who speaks about how others “don’t understand”, manages to talk for 96 minutes without ever actually saying anything.


Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite

Making a mythology for a horror film is a complex concept.  Filmmakers have to take into account narrative, visual and paratextual elements in order to create an iconic creature that can stand the test of time.  The filmmaker may not realize this, but they are inherently forced into this routine when they make a film which involves the creation of an urban legend.


9 Days with Cambria

9 Days with Cambria is sold as an experiment in character development and storytelling.  It tells the story of a young woman by the name of Cambria, who was once raped by her boyfriend-at-the-time which led to their breakup and her worsened mental state.  In more competent hands, this could have been an inquisitive work, but in the hands of directors Mike Klassen (Abolition) and Jason Armstrong, the final product is at best inconsequential and at…

Movie Lists

Wylie Writes’ 2016 Mid-Year Report

We’re halfway through the year, which means it’s time for Wylie Writes’ recap of the best and the worst films of 2016.  Sometimes, these early gems fall through the cracks once Oscar season rolls around.  Let these choices remind you which films you should still check out, and which movies should stay unnoticed on your moviegoing radar.



Based on my moviegoing experience, most romantic comedies, melodramas and other stereotypically feminine genre films are directed by men.  Based on this alone, Chevalier is an important film: a study of masculinity through the gaze of a woman filmmaker.


The Before Time

Sometimes, a film may fail at one or two or even five things.  A much rarer find is a film that manages to fail at absolutely everything it attempts.  The term “attempt” is important, since The Before Time did unintentionally succeed at making me laugh out loud several times – a much higher success rate than many recent comedies.