
Movie Lists

Wylie Writes’ Ten Worst Movies of 2014

By: Addison Wylie There’s an unspoken rule to being a film critic that states we’re not allowed to complain about our job.  We are offered free movies, we get to talk to fascinating people, and we get to offer our two cents to our own moviegoing communities.  But, I would like to think – every once in a while – we’re allowed to vent about how much mediocrity we take in on a yearly basis….



By: Addison Wylie The concept of a devout character finding out their secret past is always going to be an intriguing premise – especially when the unexplored involves religion. That’s what happens to Anna in Pawel Pawlikowski’s Ida.  Before she takes her vows of being a nun, Anna’s urged to meet with her only living family member.  She sets out to meet her estranged Aunt Wanda, and fortunately does.  She’s informed by her agitated Aunt…