
Bad Milo


WIN a DVD of Jacob Vaughan’s ‘Bad Milo’

One of my favourite surprises of last year was finding out how Jacob Vaughan’s creature feature Bad Milo played with a packed crowd.  The scene was set at Toronto’s Scotiabank Theatre during one of Toronto After Dark’s pre-screenings to hype up the upcoming and highly popular genre showcase. The pre-screening audience award ended up going to Matt Johnson’s innovative indie The Dirties, but hanging in as a close runner up was Bad Milo.  It proved…


Bad Milo

By: Addison Wylie Here’s a fun social experiment: try describing the premise of Jacob Vaughan’s Bad Milo to movie goers and see how long it takes for each of those people to give you a skeptical glance or laugh out of nervousness. It’s because Bad Milo is an odd movie with an odd set-up.  On the surface, it’s Office Space with a dash of Gremlins mixed in with a rough night after some bad Taco…