


Lloyd the Conqueror

By: Addison Wylie Why is it that movies try so hard to find humour in LARPing? Lloyd the Conqueror, a comedy that was featured in this year’s Toronto After Dark Film Festival and will now be featured in a special theatrical run along with a VOD release, is the latest culprit of this confusion. LARPing, for those readers who may be unaware, is an acronym for Live Action Role Playing. It’s the hobby of building…


This Means War

By: Addison Wylie The following is an unofficial transcript of how I imagine Director McG addressed his cast and crew before a shoot day on the set of the dismally empty romantic comedy-slash-action flick, This Means War. ********** DATE: Undisclosed TIME: Undisclosed LOCATION: Undisclosed…..but very glitzy. McG: Alright, everybody! Can I get everyone gathered over here around me before we get this show on the road? Beautiful, great! Everyone is here. My trusty crew and…


Silent Hill: Revelation 3D

By: Addison Wylie Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is not only a bad movie, but I can’t remember the last movie that strived and strained so hard to find a purpose for existing. That may sound harsh, but it’s a sentiment that is constantly crossing your mind as you watch the latest instalment in a series that was doing perfectly fine with having only one movie in its holster. Let’s double-back to the first Silent Hill….


Hotel Transylvania

By: Addison Wylie It’s unfortunate to report that Hotel Transylvania is a disappointment.  Even young children will pick up on how often this neat set-up is treated as a one-note joke. Hotel Transylvania has everything a kid could want from a timely Halloween release including oodles of monsters. Frankenstein (voiced by Kevin James), the Invisible Man (voiced by David Spade), a talking werewolf (voiced by Steve Buscemi), and a mummy (voiced by CeeLo Green) all…


Beasts of the Southern Wild

By: Addison Wylie It’s hard to make a solid judgement on the indie hit Beasts of the Southern Wild. On the one hand, it deserves praise for doing what it does so well. On the flip side, it does what it does so well, that it becomes frustrating. Based on her one-act play called Juicy and Delicious, Lucy Alibar and director Benh Zeitlin adapt the story of survival after a tremendous flood for the big…


Dredd 3D

By: Addison Wylie Everyone has their own guilty pleasures when it comes to movies. I’m just glad mine also looks pretty and has a great soundtrack. I feel bad calling Dredd 3D a guilty pleasure because I don’t feel guilty for liking it. I liked it a lot, in fact. My affection for Pete Travis’ revamping of Judge Dredd isn’t solely rooted in its visuals – although they certainly are a strong point. Same goes…


Resident Evil: Retribution

By: Addison Wylie I must come clean. I stopped watching the Resident Evil flicks after the second, Apocalypse. I didn’t think the first two outings were bad movies – decent at best – but I stopped watching because they never really appealed to me. Mind you, this was a time where I didn’t have aspirations to be a film critic and I could be more choosey with what I wanted to indulge in. Now that…


Finding Nemo 3D

By: Addison Wylie Finding 3Dmo, an alternate title that unfortunately isn’t sticking no matter how much I tweet it, is Disney’s latest post-conversion effort. Bouncing back from January’s underwhelming post-conversion work on Disney’s classic The Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo 3D is an excellent example as to why these post-conversions are not a waste of time or money. Like they did with The Lion King 3D, Disney can use this new technology to make…


2016: Obama’s America

By: Addison Wylie It’s easy for the public to slap negative accusations on the political documentary 2016: Obama’s America. It’s almost asking for it with its timely release during the current presidential race. I’m a critic who enjoys watching a variety of different movies but I’m also someone who hasn’t been keeping up with current politics nor knows a lot about US President Barack Obama’s history and what makes him tick. In a way though,…


Pitch Perfect

By: Addison Wylie I have no doubt that many will walk out of Pitch Perfect, the comedy/musical about competitive glee clubs, either singing or humming with a smile on their faces as the credits roll. But when deciding whether or not Pitch Perfect is a good movie itself, one has to decide if they’re rating the movie on the musical elements or the movie as a whole. Pitch Perfect is Jason Moore’s feature film debut….