



By: Addison Wylie Neill Blomkamp came out of the woodwork in 2009 with his Oscar-nominated sci-fi flick District 9.  The action enthralled genre fans, but it was one of those rare films that had impacting political messages and symbolism under all the futuristic mayhem.  It ceased to bludgeon its audience with the meanings and issued the right amount of trust and respect towards movie goers. With Elysium, that greatness hasn’t let up.  Blomkamp proves he’s…


We’re The Millers

By: Addison Wylie I feel it’s almost necessary to start a review for We’re the Millers stating that Jason Sudeikis’ pot dealing character is never shown smoking marijuana or hinting that it could be smoked. I’m also inclined to state that while Jennifer Aniston’s broke, erotic dancer character is occasionally shown in scantily clad underwear, it appears she also works in the only strip club establishment where other dancers stay covered. These may sound like…


TIFF 2013: Compelling, Cookie Cutter Cop Drama

By: Addison Wylie In terms of being a worthwhile cop drama, McCanick won’t astound movie goers, but it certainly does the trick. The problem with McCanick is that it has a really hard time trying to escape the shadow of other more successful cop dramas like Training Day and more recent middle-of-the-road fare brought to us by Antoine Fuqua. Josh C. Waller’s film allows David Morse to take a break from being a quirky supporting character…


The Canyons

By: Addison Wylie Once upon a time in a high school drama master class, a group of friends and I were given a one-act play to perform for our final exam.  The play was Anton Chekov’s The Proposal. Myself and my other cast mates had no clue what to make of the exaggerated work or of our bumbling characters ; and, our director didn’t know any better.  We agreed that the amount of time given…



By: Addison Wylie I see V/H/S/2 as a sign that these bruised and battered anthology pieces could become something very exciting. The series started on a raw note with V/H/S.  An extremely raw note.  The set-up that a group of ruff-and-tuff thugs start dying from watching mysterious found footage located in a skeezy house was a bit too vague to go off on.  It didn’t help that the acting by those random criminals all felt forced….


Bad Milo

By: Addison Wylie Here’s a fun social experiment: try describing the premise of Jacob Vaughan’s Bad Milo to movie goers and see how long it takes for each of those people to give you a skeptical glance or laugh out of nervousness. It’s because Bad Milo is an odd movie with an odd set-up.  On the surface, it’s Office Space with a dash of Gremlins mixed in with a rough night after some bad Taco…


TIFF 2013: JGL Goes to GTD – Gym, Tan, Direct

By: Addison Wylie If you can bear with Don Jon’s vulgar vocabulary, you may find yourself swept up in Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut.  It’s a modern day romance with just the right dash of sweet and salty. Gordon-Levitt plays the title character, a guido with a heart who loves to spend time with his boys, work out, and scope out chicks.  At the end of the day, he likes to come home and watch a…


Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie

By: Addison Wylie Some would say talk-show host Morton Downey Jr. was a smart man.  Others would comment but they may be too busy plugging their ears from his ranting and raving. Movie goers can see that filmmakers Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, and Jeremy Newberger easily fall into the former category.  With their new doc Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie, the trio starts from Morton’s early years – where he was known as…


Kick-Ass 2

By: Addison Wylie Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s universe they’ve created for their comic book Kick-Ass is severely twisted.  Filmmaker Matthew Vaughn took that warped sense of humour and gritty violence to the big screen in 2010 where it was received with mixed reactions, but has earned cult status. Three years later, another filmmaker has decided to capture Millar and Romita Jr.’s insanity for a balls-to-the-wall sequel.  For writer/director Jeff Wadlow, the hardest part…



By: Addison Wylie When a film has a trailer that’s as routine as Admission’s, it’s hard to excitedly anticipate it.  The movie appeared to be feather light fare, coming through on all those chick flick clichés that feel all too familiar.  And, how many movies and television episodes can Tina Fey star in where motherhood is a prominent theme!? Surprisingly enough, I found myself enjoying Admission and laughing quite often.  I would even go as…