
Articles by Addison Wylie


The Hangover: Part 2

Sequels are very tricky to form; especially if the filmmakers have pleased many with their first outing. The Hangover was a sleeper hit that connected with audiences all over the world. The film had “legs” when it was in theatres due to very positive word-of-mouth which also may have helped the film become incredibly successful on DVD/Blu-Ray. It doesn’t take much knowledge to figure out that people have high expectations regarding The Hangover: Part 2…



By: Addison Wylie There seems to be this overwhelming popularity with wedding comedies. With the success of The Hangover and other R-rated outings like Wedding Crashers, weddings and the events that revolve around them seem to be winners in the genre. As I write this review on Monday, May 16 and if we count Bridesmaids, there are currently three films playing in theatres that involve weddings (the aforementioned Bridesmaids, Something Borrowed, and Jumping the Broom)….


Madea’s Big Happy Family

By: Addison Wylie Tyler Perry is an incredibly smart businessman. I’m not sucking up or anything; I legitimately think Perry is very bright. He knows exactly who his plays and movies are geared towards and he knows how to please his fan base. He also has a strong voice and millions of people are willing to listen to him. So, if he has such an outspoken fierce voice, why is he making rubbish like Madea’s…


African Cats

By: Addison Wylie Looking back on the three features brought to us by DisneyNature, one can make the observation that each movie is different in its narrative. Earth presented three families of animals and told their stories through footage of them living and coping. Oceans scrapped the “three family” idea and showed us a rapid fire look of underwater life. With African Cats, DisneyNature tries something new. The film takes breathtaking footage of Lions, Lionesses,…


No Strings Attached

By: Addison Wylie They say “opposites attract”. No Strings Attached wears this saying on it’s sleeve. Adam, played by Ashton Kutcher, has been falling for Emma ever since he was a young man going through puberty. The problem is that Emma, played by Natalie Portman, has no interest in a relationship. Years go on and the two individuals keep running into each other. It may have been a while since the two met eyes but…



By: Addison Wylie Lately, Horror movies rely on cheap jump scares; especially ones that possess a PG-13 rating. It’s a cheap way to scare an audience because it generally doesn’t take a lot of expertise to set up and is quite popular among young audiences. The scene is quiet, our damsel in distress walks slowly as she grasps a baseball bat, she hears a noise, she checks out what’s making that noise and BAM. It’s…



By: Addison Wylie When an actor is “in”, the studios usually want to strike while the iron’s hot and sometimes conduct an experiment. This experiment being whether or not this particular individual will be able to carry a feature film. The last project that attempted to do this was the Isla Fisher vehicle Confessions of a Shopaholic. The remake of Arthur reminded me of one of these financial experiments. You have a higher power looking…



By: Addison Wylie With Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, audiences feel comfortable with actors/screenwriters Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. They know that when those two individuals are paired with each other, laughs are guaranteed. The two have worked alongside Director Edgar Wright on the aforementioned comedies and Wright’s direction and style added to the timing of the comedy. With Paul though, Wright isn’t directing. This time, Director Greg Mottola (Superbad, Adventureland) helms. Mottola…


Mars Needs Moms

By: Addison Wylie Mars Needs Moms has a lukewarm title, a seemingly silly premise, and it utilizes motion capture animation some movie goers are quite frankly getting tired of. However, I’m not one of these people. I’m also someone who will look past a cheesy title and story and figure out for myself if the film was worth my time. I was greatly surprised with Mars Needs Moms. The story managed to take hold of…



By: Addison Wylie The film Rango is similar to its lead character. It’s an odd but distinctive looking movie that is unlike any other movies around them. Some may be weary at first but after investing interest in the film, the audience, much like the Old West community in the movie, walks away from the theatre feeling charmed. The story is captivating and the characters are very interesting to look at as well as listen…