


Curiosity is a quality that keeps on giving.  M. Night Shyamalan, for instance, is a filmmaker who is eager to explore his own craft.  And while his back catalogue has included projects that have snowballed out of his own range, he’s at least owning his ambition and finding original stories to tell audiences.  His latest collaborations with indie empire Blumhouse Productions have been great vehicles to anchor his passion projects and visual filmmaking.  Such is…


The Dark Knight Rises

By: Addison Wylie I had to pinch myself a few times during Christopher Nolan’s “epic” finale to his Batman saga entitled The Dark Knight Rises. I had to convince myself that not only was this well-crafted series coming to a close, but I also had to remind myself that I was sitting in a theatre watching one of the most disappointing and frustrating third chapters since The Matrix Revolutions. I’m going there, people. Strap in….