Tricia Lee


Blood Hunters

The horror independent film scene may be the most supportive community of movie goers and filmmakers.  Take Blood Hunters, for instance.  Despite the movie’s routine qualities, I can imagine horror fanatics who scroll through weekly VOD titles every Tuesday will appreciate it for what it is – an honest effort with some admirably gruesome moments.  Blood Hunters isn’t just for this niche audience though.  It’s a harmless escape for those with a strong enough stomach…


Silent Retreat

By: Addison Wylie I have a bit of history with Silent Retreat. I caught Tricia Lee’s thriller at last year’s Toronto After Dark Film Festival where it received its fair amount of warm reception.  Though the filmmaker was clear about the film’s intentions in a post-Q&A, it was a pick at the festival that really rubbed me the wrong way. The flick’s primary problem was that it was dramatically overscored.  It’s smothering music told the…