
Tony Revolori


Asteroid City

By: Jeff Ching Wes Anderson is one of very few current directors where viewers can watch 10 seconds of a trailer promoting his film, and immediately identify it as “a Wes Anderson movie”.  I don’t know whether that’s a good or bad thing, but credit to him for such a distinctive style.  He may be the most “auteuristic” auteur ever, if that makes any sense.  Does it?  I don’t know.  Moving on…


Take the 10

The trailer for Netflix’s Take the 10 does no favours for this surprising flick.  It plays up slapstick yucks and crude dialogue, and, worst of all, it believes its the first movie to incorporate violent thugs in broad comedy – it’s detrimental advertising.  Luckily, writer/director/star Chester Tam has a trick up his sleeve.