Tom Cruise


The Mummy

Well, here I am swimming upstream – having seen Universal’s The Mummy and actually liking it.  How do you defend a movie that’s hard to save due to the outpouring of negativity against it?  Hey, I was there to defend last year’s heavily panned Suicide Squad.  I can give The Mummy a shot.


Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

By: Mark Barber Prolific documentarian Alex Gibney’s latest film is an insightful–if perhaps overlong–two-hour reminder of the controversial Church of Scientology.  Based on and working extensively off of Lawrence Wright’s 2013 book Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Gibney traces Scientology’s history from its very beginnings with its erratic and odd founder L. Ron Hubbard to the assimilation of Hollywood celebrities into the cult. Perhaps most distressingly, however, is Gibney’s chosen slate…