



Earlier this year, audiences witnessed Bruce Willis being a lazy actor in Precious Cargo – he talked on a cell phone and barely moved out of his seat.  In Marauders, the action star is at least doing more with his role (hey, walking counts), but the film itself receives the same faint praise I halfheartedly awarded Precious Cargo in April.



The premise of Criminal involves an ex-con being used as a vessel to contribute to an ongoing investigation by the CIA.  Information and memories are transferred via a scientific procedure from a recently murdered agent to the agency’s newly hired hand.  This set-up is bonkers, but the cast sells it as best as they can.


Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite

Making a mythology for a horror film is a complex concept.  Filmmakers have to take into account narrative, visual and paratextual elements in order to create an iconic creature that can stand the test of time.  The filmmaker may not realize this, but they are inherently forced into this routine when they make a film which involves the creation of an urban legend.



TimeLock is a finicky flick that waffles an awful lot, much like its wishy-washy main character Mark (John C. Gilmour).  Fortunately, David Griffith’s micro budget thriller is easy to endear.



A distraught faithful woman, a hard-boiled cop, a grieving widow, a skeptical lieutenant, questionable gangsters, and ominous spirits are some of the characters that are trapped in Exposed.  The film has everything except the director’s original vision.