
The Hexecutioners

Movie Lists

The Worst Movies of 2015

Addison Wylie 2015 cranked out a lot of great movies.  I was actually able to form a “best of” list before even thinking of those cinematic duds.  However, that doesn’t excuse the following films.  These frustrating films put my patience to the test, even so far as to push me out of the movie altogether.  Don’t worry though, I returned to finish that defeating film.  And, yes, it was the worst film I saw all year.

Festival Coverage

Toronto After Dark 2015: ‘The Hexecutioners’ and ‘Nina Forever’

The Hexecutioners (DIR. Jesse Thomas Cook) By: Shahbaz Khayambashi If I can give one bit of advice to a first-time attendee of Toronto After Dark, it would be to avoid the festival’s world premieres.  In my time of attending this festival, I have had the opportunity to see three world premieres – I’m zero for three.  Now, I can say, after having viewed The Hexecutioners, I can chalk up another clunker. This film is an absolute mess…