


Run This Town

Run This Town, writer/director Ricky Tollman’s exceptional and intelligent feature-length debut, isn’t just about Rob Ford and and his public busts.  It’s not just about Ford’s team of “special assistants”, or the eager journalists who want a big break and be the first to report breaking news.  Run This Town is a magnetically contemplative film about the ethical decisions within these careers that jeopardize the integrity of these people.


End of Days, Inc.

Dear Jennifer Liao, Thank you for taking the time to make a movie.  It’s a gruelling process filled with compromises and long hours, but by the end of the day, it’s hopefully all worth it.  However, due to insufficient content in Christina Ray’s screenplay and a cast of mugging comedic performers, I regret to inform you that I personally thought End of Days, Inc. was a swing and a miss.