
Strange Paradise


STRANGE PARADISE: Year of the Horse

By: Addison Wylie Wylie Writes’ coverage of TIFF’s Jim Jarmusch retrospective began with a mixed bag of shorts, and ends with a mixed bag of concert cutouts and behind-the-scenes glimpses. It’s undoubtable Jarmusch captures a raw vision of Neil Young and Crazy Horse with his scattershot Year of the Horse.  The filmmaker catalogues footage from unique perspectives;  the performances are especially visceral if occasionally obscured.  He switches between different film stocks (16mm, Hi-8 video, and Super 8)…



By: Addison Wylie In Dead Man, Johnny Depp plays William Blake, an accountant removed from society twice over.  The loss of his parents has his mind aimlessly wandering and a new job in the West has Blake feeling further alienated.  Then again, it would take a lot of adjusting to fit in with Machine’s homely, rugged community. After meeting a local woman and then meeting her beau, Blake is pitted and pinned to a murder…


STRANGE PARADISE: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

By: Addison Wylie My feelings for Jim Jarmusch’s Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai follow in the same vein as some sceptics felt about Nicholas Winding Refn’s Drive – a whole lot of style and not much else. I could see what Jarmusch was trying to do with Ghost Dog.  It was the same thing we later saw Refn carry out with Drive, except Refn executed his film much better.  Jarmusch was wanting to…


STRANGE PARADISE: Coffee and Cigarettes

By: Addison Wylie TIFF Cinematheque opens up a wonderful world of  weird with Strange Paradise: The Cinema of Jim Jarmusch. The retrospective – which began on July 24 and runs until August 16 – screens Jarmusch’s unique filmography in pristine condition at the TIFF BELL Lightbox.  The scheduling of the program jumps around, so faithful watchers are never following the career in chronological order.  Something tells me this quirk is much like Jarmusch’s unpredictable sensibilities. Wylie…