Stephen Root


Infinity Baby

By: Nick van Dinther Hollywood is often criticized for rehashing the same ideas repeatedly without bringing anything new to the table.  At the very least, Infinity Baby bucks that trend and brings us something we haven’t seen before.


Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

There’s a difference between being self-aware and being self-involved – the former usually has more sense than the latter.  For instance, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates is aware of its buffoonery, but neglects to be involved in its own idiocy.  There’s still a brain behind the immaturity displayed by Mike (Adam Devine) and Dave (Zac Efron).


Hello, My Name Is Doris

Many will flock – or have flocked – to Hello, My Name Is Doris based alone on the star power of Sally Field.  Having stayed out of the limelight except to play Mary Todd Lincoln and Spider-Man’s aunt, Field finds a fitting return to classic, unforgettable finesse with her role as meek accountant and closeted hoarder Doris Miller.