
Pain & Gain


Wylie Writes’ Ten Worst Movies of 2013

By: Addison Wylie As the Oscars approach this Sunday, the time is finally here to reflect on 2013 through a pair of lists – my picks of the best and the worst.  Let’s get the duds out of the way to make way for the flicks that’ll be remembered for years to come. 2013 introduced me to a new type of “bad”.  It was a sub-version spawning off of the type of hatefulness I only…


Pain & Gain

By: Addison Wylie There’s something ingenious about the idea of Michael Bay helming a project about celebrating a shallow American dream.  Who better to direct a story about a team of musclebound knucklehead criminals chasing the implausible than a guy who almost always has explosions take the lead role and lets T&A share the second billing. The film’s Miami setting takes on a “look good, feel better” attitude as all the characters are in some…