Nick van Dinther

Movie Lists

The Best Movies of 2018

2018’s mind-boggling award season finishes tonight with the 91st Academy Awards.  Considering that the festival circuit has been a scattershot of one-off wins, the team at Wylie Writes is eager to see what happens at the Oscars.  However, before that ceremony, some of our critics want to shine a spotlight on the movies they thought were the very best – including some festival favourites that will hopefully be released wider this year.



By: Nick van Dinther In Boundaries, director Shana Feste tells a story that’s loosely based on her relationship with her father and their shared life experience;  which makes it surprising that one of the movie’s biggest setbacks is how cliché it is, and how it lacks realism.



By: Nick van Dinther A great ensemble cast requires actors to seamlessly fit together, while simultaneously bringing their own uniqueness to the story and to their character.  It’s a crucial key that Tag gets right, and it’s the main reason why this movie is so much fun.



By: Nick van Dinther It’s so difficult to pull off a horror film that’s truly frightening.  Many movies rely on jump scares or violent deaths, but the results rarely stick with you after the fact.  It’s a genre that’s incredibly divisive between both fans and critics, and fails more often than it succeeds for both.  A filmmaker needs to bring something genuinely special and memorable to the table to appeal to all.  Writer/director Ari Aster…


Cartel 2045

By: Nick van Dinther Cartel 2045 was originally scheduled to be released three years ago.  After years of tweaking and editing, it’s now available on VOD and Digital HD, but it still seems unfinished.



By: Nick van Dinther With a real-life figure like Bill “Spaceman” Lee, there is more than enough material to make an interesting biopic.  Unfortunately, the creators of Spaceman decided to leave a lot of that material on the table.