
Meghan Heffern


Wylie Writes’ One-On-One with Wendy Litner

By: Sky Wylie I have been a huge fan of Wendy Litner’s hilarious digital series How to Buy a Baby since the success of the first season.  My husband and I were a couple of years into the agony of fertility problems, and I was looking for a bit of an escape.  It was so refreshing to watch Jane (played brilliantly by Meghan Heffern) and Charlie (Marc Bendavid) navigate the same crazy world we had found…


A Sunday Kind of Love

In Geordie Sabbagh’s indie A Sunday Kind of Love, the audience follows an aloof, cynical author Adam (played by Dylan Taylor) as he struggles through his writer’s block and procrastinates.  His girlfriend Tracy (played by Meghan Heffern) tries to motivate him, but his moping is unstoppable.  He retreats to a nearby coffee shop and meets Emma (played by Melanie Scrofano), who presents herself as an admirer and soon reveals that she’s actually, well, death (sans black cloak and scythe).