
Mark Wahlberg


Pain & Gain

By: Addison Wylie There’s something ingenious about the idea of Michael Bay helming a project about celebrating a shallow American dream.  Who better to direct a story about a team of musclebound knucklehead criminals chasing the implausible than a guy who almost always has explosions take the lead role and lets T&A share the second billing. The film’s Miami setting takes on a “look good, feel better” attitude as all the characters are in some…



By: Addison Wylie The comedy of Seth MacFarlane is an acquired taste. Some think his writing on the hit series Family Guy is unoriginal and crude while others think MacFarlane is outspoken and is breaking a lot of comedy barriers. You perception of his first live action outing, Ted, will depend on what camp you fall in. Where am I at? Personally, I started off liking him when Family Guy was in its first couple of…