
Jason Alexander



Leo, an animated family film from Adam Sandler’s production company Happy Madison, hits Netflix at an ideal time: the holiday season is approaching, family time is becoming more frequent, and the weather is becoming chillier and chillier.  What better time to cozy up with a crowd-pleaser?


For the Love of Spock

Do you remember that episode of CBS’ The Big Bang Theory when Sheldon was excited to be interviewed by Leonard Nimoy’s son Adam for a documentary about the Star Trek actor?  It turns out that the film was real and not just another sitcom subplot.


Wild Card

By: Addison Wylie As much as I love Wild Card’s straight-to-the-point capsule synopsis, it’s a little misleading.  In the e-mail I received describing Jason Statham’s latest film, it read: “A recovering gambling addict finds work providing protection to his friends.  Statham-style action follows.” Statham-style action does follow, and it’s a sock to the solar plexus.  However, it’s not as frequent as you would imagine from the gruff action star who has kicked so much ass…