Miss You Already
The girlfriend dramedy Miss You Already is a fitting follow-up for Thirteen filmmaker Catherine Hardwicke. It just so happens to arrive late in her career after Lords of Dogtown, The Nativity Story, Twilight, and Red Riding Hood.
The girlfriend dramedy Miss You Already is a fitting follow-up for Thirteen filmmaker Catherine Hardwicke. It just so happens to arrive late in her career after Lords of Dogtown, The Nativity Story, Twilight, and Red Riding Hood.
By: Addison Wylie Adam Sandler has developed a foolproof plan. It’s a movie formula that enables him and his friends to take luxurious vacations while making a movie in between excursions. The baffling part is that even though these recent flicks get slammed by critics, they manage to make a lot of money. I’m unclear as to if the film makes a profit, but it must be a good sign if Blended marks Sandler’s fifth…