


Red Rooms

Red Rooms offers the best kind of challenge for its viewers. Despite being impressed by the filmmaking, the writing, and the acting, we feel a relentless wave of dread as the film confronts extremely uncomfortable subject matter and an unreliable lead character.


Protocol 7

Protocol 7 answers that scenario that we’ve all played out in our head – what if a doctor made a Hollywood legal thriller?  Director Andy Wakefield, a former physician and documentarian who is also an adamant anti-vaccine activist, makes his feature-length narrative debut with Protocol 7.  The movie may fare better than his menacing doc, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, but that’s also damning with faint praise.


A Fall from Grace

In between takes on the set of David Fincher’s Gone Girl, Tyler Perry must’ve thought about making a crime drama or an erotic thriller;  and he must’ve thought about merging those ideas into one project.  But like most pipe dreams, these visions are usually filed away into our subconscious.  But for Perry, A Fall from Grace must’ve been itching to get out.


God’s Not Dead 2

God’s Not Dead had an interesting concept, but a boring execution.  It made me feel bad for the teenage extras who had to sit through pages of long-winded dialogue as a devout student went toe-to-toe with his atheist professor.