
Chris Miller

Movie Lists

Wylie Writes’ 2014 Mid-Year Report

By: Addison Wylie As much as I would like to believe that 2014 has proven to be a great year for movies so far, I can only instantly recall the films that have underwhelmed or flunked altogether. There’s been a steady flow of mediocrity, which isn’t exactly something to celebrate.  I suppose matters could be much worse, but those flatlining flicks have left me in a state of trapped befuddlement while I watched them.  These…


21 Jump Street

By: Addison Wylie When looking at the poster for 21 Jump Street, one could simply label the comedy as “just another reboot” or another example of a mainstream snake eating its own unoriginal tail. However, it’s quite the opposite. In fact, 21 Jump Street is one of the funnier comedies I’ve seen.  It’s an absolute blast from start to finish. Many scoffed at the odd pairing of a now skinny Jonah Hill and a hulking…