


Another Soul

Another Soul will remind viewers of other movies.  It’s an echo of supernatural horror stories told before featuring demons, possessions, conflicted parents, and exorcisms.  But, Another Soul is also a shoestring effort working with limited resources that no one would truly want to slam because the cast and crew are simply “doing their best”.  This, perhaps, could’ve acted as an excuse to criticize Paul Chau’s film on a curve, but I’m afraid the Paranormal Activity franchise has…


Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 plays within the same flashback narrative and irreverent sense of humour that made its R-rated predecessor a hit.  The new changes are behind the camera, with director David Leitch (John Wick, Atomic Blonde) picking up where Tim Miller left off.



RBG, a sleeper hit about the life and career of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, seems as if it was directed by Ginsburg’s Wikipedia page.  It was actually directed by ABC News producer Betsy West and documentarian Julie Cohen, but you could’ve fooled me.  The filmmakers establish a consistent pace from the get-go, but West and Cohen also set RBG on autopilot as they lethargically follow a linear timeline through Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s…


Cartel 2045

By: Nick van Dinther Cartel 2045 was originally scheduled to be released three years ago.  After years of tweaking and editing, it’s now available on VOD and Digital HD, but it still seems unfinished.


The Child Remains

By: Trevor Chartrand Is it bad when the true-story version of a film sounds more entertaining than the fictionalized narrative we get instead?  That may be the case with The Child Remains, a film loosely inspired by the Butterbox Baby murders in WWII-Era Nova Scotia.