


One Life

By: Addison Wylie One Life feels like it should be apart of the DisneyNature collection. It’s similar to Earth because the film is showcasing different animal and insect families, it’s similar to Oceans because of the rapid fire pacing of each family’s story, and it’s similar to last year’s African Cats because of how the script threads in little tales. However, it’s not until we see an attack scene where an ostrich is brutally taken…


21 Jump Street

By: Addison Wylie When looking at the poster for 21 Jump Street, one could simply label the comedy as “just another reboot” or another example of a mainstream snake eating its own unoriginal tail. However, it’s quite the opposite. In fact, 21 Jump Street is one of the funnier comedies I’ve seen.  It’s an absolute blast from start to finish. Many scoffed at the odd pairing of a now skinny Jonah Hill and a hulking…


Silent House

By: Addison Wylie Silent House is the latest Horror movie helmed by Chris Kentis and the first directorial effort from screenwriter Laura Lau, who has previously worked with Kentis on two prior films. One of those collaborations was the shoestring budget creep-fest Open Water; a film that divided audiences drastically but left everyone wondering what they would do if they were isolated in shark infested waters. Silent House‘s reception, I imagine, is going to take a similar…


Jeff, Who Lives at Home

By: Addison Wylie The latest indie from Jay and Mark Duplass is a film that is very much like it’s main character Jeff, played by Jason Segel. However, that’s not a compliment towards the filmmakers. But, on second thought, with his performance being able to hijack a film, Segel might take this as praise. He comfortably disappears within the character of Jeff and makes the new age stoner believable. However, Jeff’s mentality works well as…


Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds

By: Addison Wylie Just when I had my mind made up. Just when I had my bags packed. Just as I was about to leave and wish filmmaker Tyler Perry good wishes. Just as I had come to terms with the realization that most of Perry’s recent work has become something that just isn’t for me, his latest film Good Deeds comes along and stops me dead in my tracks. Perry has had a streak…


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 3D

By: Addison Wylie  At first, it’s puzzling as to why filmmaker George Lucas feels the need to keep milking the intergalactic cash cow that is Star Wars. Billions of dollars have been made off of the success of the saga that follows the rise and fall of Darth Vader and his prospering son. One would say that George Lucas has been beating a dead horse for ages; reinventing the same films. However, after watching all…


Project X

By: Addison Wylie It’s already March and currently the counter for found footage films released in 2012 sits at three. Out of the three, only one of those has gotten a passing grade. The other two are devoid of any creativity and serve as complete wastes of time. Being that I gushed about how fantastic Chronicle was just a mere couple of weeks ago, I’ll let you connect the dots. Not to derail the review…


The Vow

By: Addison Wylie The Vow is one of those movies that is a guaranteed success. With the film hitting theatres around Valentine’s Day and by having two attractive actors fill out the lead roles, the familiarity and the timing is enough to bring in big bucks for everyone involved. It also must be nice for Kim and Krickitt Carpenter (the couple this movie is based on) to have their story told to a younger, unaware…



By: Addison Wylie It may be their first stab at a feature film but with their debut, Chronicle, I’m convinced that Josh Trank and Max Landis are two guys who have a bright future ahead of them. This isn’t a premature, quick-to-the-draw feeling but a solidified and excited statement. Chronicle is the latest found footage entry but although the filmmaking method feels familiar, it’s how it’s executed that leaves an impact. The story is told…


Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

By: Addison Wylie Pardon me while I digress for a moment. When I read a Joblo Movie Emporium review for Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, the review started with the critic stating that, “Humour is subjective. What is funny to one person may not necessarily be funny to another.” Those words have stuck with me since reading them in 2004. Right out of the gate, you should know which camp you fall into. You…