Yorgos Lanthimos


The Favourite

Yorgos Lanthimos has been one of the most exciting voices in cinema for the past decade;  from bringing attention to Greek cinema to bringing that off-kilter absurd style to an American audience.  Across four features, Lanthimos’ style has been apparent in a variety of ways;  from his films’ unusual stilted acting style to the general oddity of his imagery.  Now, in his latest feature The Favourite, Lanthimos shows that his style is inherent, even if…


The Lobster

One of the most exciting voices of contemporary cinema has hit that point in his career where he needs to make his first English language feature.  Thankfully, unlike countless others before him, Yorgos Lanthimos managed to avoid the usual pitfalls of the “first English feature” and results in The Lobster, a film as weird and brilliant as his previous features Dogtooth and ALPS.